Dave Bitcheno
This week, Dave Bitcheno continues our series on The Kingdom of God, exploring what the Kingdom of God looks like and how we might see His Kingdom come in both…
With Alpha fast approaching, Dave Bitcheno takes the opportunity to encourage us to consider Jesus' words when he called his disciples, fishers of people.
God is Love and has poured His love into our hearts. - Continuing our series 'Who are we? This is who we are', Dave Bitcheno talks about Gods love 'agape',…
This week, we start our new exciting series 'Who are we? This is who we are', beginning with a look at The People of God. God has always been after…
This week Dave Bitcheno takes a brief look at what our focus will look like early on in 2022. Knowing who we are corporately (God's people) is as important as…
This week's recording is taken from the 11am Service with worship led by Gregg and Gillian, followed by Dave Bitcheno looking at 1 Corinthians 12 and how God distributes gifts…
This week Dave Bitcheno explores the 2nd half of Acts 2, as the Church is birthed following the pouring out of the Holy Spirit.
Don't get drunk on alcohol but instead be filled with the Holy Spirit. In this short talk, Dave Bitcheno talks about the profound results of being filled with the Holy…
This week, Kerensa McCollough, Dave Bitcheno & Dave Price explore the office of Pastor and pastoring in local church as we continue our Ephesians series.