As a church family, we are called to give in joyful response to the goodness of God. We are encouraged to do so throughout the Bible.

In order to meet the financial needs of the ministries of our church, to neighbours and the nations, we have listed a number of ways you can give below.

Ways to Give


Simply use your online banking facility to set up a one off donation or a regular standing order, as the majority of our regular members do, to:

The Community Church
Sort Code: 30-96-54
Account number: 00273338


You can also give at any of our Sunday meetings. Just place your cheque or cash into one of the giving envelopes. Ask one of the welcome team or one of the leaders in the service where to find these envelopes.

Gift Aid

Gift Aid enables us to claim back 25% of your gift from the government at no extra cost to you. In order to qualify for Gift Aid, you must pay income tax and/or capital gains tax at least equal to the amount of Gift Aid that will be claimed by charities you donate to.

In order for us to claim Gift Aid, we will need a Gift Aid declaration form from you. You can complete one of these on Sunday or email us later.