Serving Nations
We love the nations. We love partnering with people on the ground and sending people to go & serve in a number of contexts.
Currently, part of our focus is on an area called the 10/40 Window encompassing many hard-to-reach nations and people groups. It is our experience that Jesus always makes a way.
The graphic shows places we have been able to serve in the past ten years and it also shows the 10/40 Window.
What does serving the nations mean for us as a church and how can you get involved?
- Prayer for the nations – weekly and monthly prayer options – onsite and online. You can use this link for some detailed analysis of the spiritual and practical needs of nations right across the world.
- Opportunities to serve – go on a journey of discovery testing God’s call on you to go and serve or simply go on a vision trip to see, to experience, to pray and to share with Christian brothers and sisters in very different contexts to our own.
- Advice and wisdom on how to pursue a personal journey of faith, service and commitment to the nations.
- Partnerships with people on the ground in nations we feel called to and those in the UK or Europe with a likeminded vision.
- Getting involved in welcoming Hong Kong refugees to our area with Welcome Churches.
If you are interested in knowing more on any of the aspects mentioned, please chat us here!